with mother and brother
A Normal
Human Being.
Zain’s forfathers hailed from Karachi but his paternal grandfather Alibhai Mullah Jeevanjee moved to Kenya and was a business icon in early 20th century. Zain was born in Nairobi, Kenya in 1955 to Akbar Ali Jeewanjee and Batool Tapal Jeewanjee and was named Nasheen Jeewanjee. In 1960, Queen Victoria ship docked at Karachi port and Zain arrived in Pakistan along with his family. Even though their home and lifestyle in Karachi was quiet affluent, still there were stark differences from the way things were done in Kenya, but Zain quietly found his way.
He was a quiet and shy child who never bothered anyone. His quiet nature paved way for his innovative mind to find solutions of all problems big or small, without any outside help.
The Jeevanjee Gardens, a 5-acre oasis of calm, landscaped between 1904 and 1906, was donated to the colonial administration by Alibhai Mulla Jeevanjee, a Dawoodi Bohra merchant who became one of the biggest success stories in the British Empire. The park is the probably the last relic of the forgotten legacy of a man who emigrated from British India to Kenya at an opportune moment and lived an extraordinary life.
Article by Ajay Kamalakaran

Alibhai Jeevanjee with Sir Edward Greg, Commander in Chief of British Colonies
A statue of Alibhai Mulla Jeevanjee in Jeevanjee Gardens, Nairobi. | MowtoMowto/Wikimedia Commons [CC BY-SA 3.0]

At the age of 7, Zain had to go undergo Hernia surgery. Due to some medical complications, they could not give him anesthesia and the surgery went on while he was awake. His mother distinctly remembered that Zain did not even cry once.
Another year passed and while playing with his brothers, Zain had a bad accident and his skull opened up and he was strapped to the bed for 6 months. Those 6 months, he did not attend school, missed many important events and in immense pain. Hence at a very early age Zain learnt about bearing pain for a long time, the possibility of improbable events happening which have lasting consequences and so many blessings of our Lord that we take for granted. With his body restrained, his thoughts soared high and probably those were the months that his brain got rewired for creativity and innovation.

Zain attended Karachi Grammar School, the only Cambridge affiliated school at that time and was a sharp gifted student. He was still quiet shy and because of jumping a grade had older kids around him in class. He stayed quiet mostly and enjoyed the company of just a few close friends. In grade 8, things took a drastic turn. His very close friend died in an accident. His friend had stolen one of the servant’s scooter for fun and while riding it had an accident which took his life. Another accident had rocked his life, this time the harsh lesson was losing someone close to you so unexpectedly.
Around the same time, another big change happened -– he changed his name by himself. Zain came home from school one day and announced to his father that he and his friend have decided to switch names and from now onwards Nasheen Jeewanjee will be Zainuddin Jeewanjee. Zain’s parents had never said no to him and they immediately agreed. Little did he know that changing his name officially was quiet a complicated process as his birth was in Kenya, a British colony and the family was residing in Pakistan. The sudden adoption of a different name made a stark difference in his personality. The once shy boy who was hardly noticeable in class or other gatherings turned into an outgoing extrovert and center of attention. Barely a teenager, Zain rebranded himself and the world started noticing him.

"The most expensive thing in life, actually you cannot even buy it, is Time."
Zain Jeewanjee
Entering teenage, Zain had everything – intelligence, personality and a pure giving heart. He learnt from every situation and gave back limitlessly. His parents had a major role to play in grooming him this way, they gave him everything he wanted and trusted his intentions completely.
He experimented and came up with ideas out of thin air. Whether its was lighting up Legos castles or jacking up toy cars, Zain had a vision of his own about how to innovate the mundane.
In O-levels (high school) Zain chose Arts and music was a big part of his life. His father introduced him to Elton John, Cliff Richards, Elvis Presley. His bedroom walls had graffiti and calligraphy all over and a Charlie Chaplin poster on the door. The world was open to him as he was looking at different options for his future education, but there was another shocker waiting for him just around the corner.
Here comes the
70's Twist

My First Car
Zain’s first car, Fiat 1100 D, that he drove when he was only 12 years old. His father brought this from Kenya in 1961, it was in the Kenyan East African Safari in 1960 and won third place.
He kept using it till he moved to USA in 1983.
In 1971 as Zain was graduating from Karachi Grammar School, political and economic scene in Pakistan went through drastic changes. A war with India, East Pakistan breaking off into a separate country, Bangladesh and nationalization of all private industry in Pakistan. Jeewanjee family suffered big blow as they lost all their assets in East Pakistan and the shipping enterprise the family had built over decades was taken over by the government over night. Zain could have still used up the left over money to go abroad for college but he could not leave his family in such turmoil. All his plans of college, traveling and exploring the world came to a sudden halt and the family that never said no to him and gave him everything, Zain was figuring out how to support them.
Zain’s first business venture was born out of a casual request by a friend of his for a Levi’s jacket. Zain had bought a Levi’s jacket from UK in his last trip there and his friend from school told him that he loved it and would love to buy it from him. Zain decided to make a replica of it when in Pakistan at that time no one had heard of denim material. He took canvas from tent producers, worked with dyers to match it to denim and got it stitched from a local tailor. The end result was a masterpiece, a happy friend, money for the jacket and birth of first Men’s fashion house of Pakistan.

Sher Asghar, Questionably the first model at a Fashion Show in Karachi Pakistan in early 70s held at Metropole Hotel by Shaft Clothing which set the trend in Karachi in the 70’s for fashion.

Akbar Ali Jeewanjee
Zain was, and still is, a lover of art and fashion. His inspiration was his father who was like Casablanca, always impeccably dressed in suits with cufflinks, pocket squares etc. He not only inspired Zain but also taught him how business ethics, dress code, social skills and interactions in business are just as important as the product. When Zain launched Shaft Clothing, first ever boutique for Men in Pakistan, his father helped him manage the books. Soon after Shaft clothing held the first fashion show in Karachi and Zain worked diligently in all aspects of business from creative advertisements to securing export orders from Marks and Spencer. The business model was new and first of its kind but the principles and ethics of it were according to the deep-rooted teachings of his family. Zain never cut corners and was the most hard working among all his employees and the business flourished.
In Love – since 1978
Love entered Zain’s life in late 70s. He met his future wife Farzana and they started dating. While the business was doing well and Zain’s love life was going strong, an advice from a preacher changed his life. Zain played Squash every morning with his close friend Asif Zardari (former President of Pakistan and a well-known politician) who picked him up early morning in his car. While waiting for his ride, a preacher advised Zain to pray Fajr (morning prayers in Islam) as he is already up early and idly waiting every day. Zain’s love with Farzana turned into a relationship which is still going strong and the morning prayers also became one of the strong pillars of his faith and personality from that point on wards. In 1979, Zain and Farzana got married. With the Stash Fashion House breaking records and his first love now officially his life partner, this 25 year old was on top of the world.
Zain and Farzana on their wedding day,
September 10, 1979.

Sky Crashing 1980 - 1983
The happy married life suffered its first blow when their first born, Misbah, died at 6 months of age due to a rare illness. Around the same time Zain’s mother went for a knee surgery which resulted in complications that did not let her return from the hospital and she passed away. Zain’s father had been sick for a while and could not bear the grief of losing his beloved wife unexpectedly and passed away soon after. Barely 26 years old and losing his first born as well as both his parents.
Zain and Farzana’s second child, Zainab, was a healthy baby girl and for a moment life seemed normal. In 1983, Zain had a son named Ali who started showing similar symptoms as Misbah. Panicked and devastated young parents were running around town with a sick child and were misguided by a doctor who gave them hope that Ali’s illness is curable and doctors in US can help him. So this 26 year old Zain decided to leave behind his home of over 2 decades and a flourishing business.
In the middle of tragedies and misfortunes, starts a string of miracles whether it was getting urgent Pakistani Passports, difficulty in getting visa to US or being stranded at the airport as they got bumped from their booked flight at the last minute.
“My son is dying! This child has an appointment on Monday in San Francisco and we've got to get there. You can’t bump me off this flight, doctors here cannot help my son.”
Zain was protesting to the agents at Singapore Airline counter when they told him that they have been bumped off their booked flight. There was no other option to get to San Francisco in time for the appointment. A captain of Lufthansa Airline over heard the argument and came over and asked what was going on. After learning about the whole matter the captain told them to wait for 10 minutes and returned with a solution. He offered to fly Zain and his family, free of cost, to Frankfurt on his flight and get them to their connecting flight. As the transfer time was really tight he added that he has called TWA to keep the connecting flight grounded at Frankfurt until they arrive. Upon their arrival in Frankfurt, the captain and steward escorted them to their next flight. Sat on jump seat for an international flight, ran through airports and hoped three planes with an ailing child – and this is the story of how Zain Jeewanjee arrived in United States.
In San Francisco, at the hospital after various tests the doctors diagnosed Ali with the same degenerative muscle condition that Misbah had. They were in a different country with the best medical resources but still no cure for this disease and all they could do is helplessly watch their child’s health deteriorate while the hospital bills were piling up. Zain had to find work even though he wasn’t legally allowed to work. A ‘Help Wanted’ sign at the gas station was the first thing this desperate father could see. From the riches of Kenya, best Cambridge education, luxury lifestyle and a fashion startup that skyrocketed instantly to working graveyard shift at a gas station – but Zain Jeewanjee did not despair, worked 21 hours a day, impressed everyone around him and believed in God’s bigger plan.

“Fajr (Islamic morning prayer) kept me sane through the toughest of times.”
Six months after arriving in US, another loss of life, another tragedy – Ali succumbed to his genetic disorder and left the world. He was working at the gas station when his wife called and told him that the doctors have said to take Ali home as there is nothing they can do to save his life. After his shift ended, he was on his way to the hospital and dozed off on the wheel and had an accident. He woke up in the hospital two days later and Farzana was standing next to him. That is when she broke it to him that they have lost their son, Ali. Zain and Farzana were too young to bear the loss of 2 children but there was no break for both of them, they had their young daughter Zainab with them and a mountain of debt. Farzana was babysitting neighbors’ kids and Zain took 2 to 3 jobs simultaneously.

Zain and Farzana with their daughter Zainab and new born son, Zubair.
Insurance Journey
And then the

Even though Zain was in a foreign land, English language and lifestyle were not foreign to him. Moreover his agility, personality and wit made him stand out. He was hired at RadioShack and then at Nordstrom. One of his customers at Nordstrom, Michael Anderson, was fascinated by him and brought him to life insurance sales, little did that gentleman know that he is the igniting the transformation for insurance industry with this gesture. This is 1983 and Zain Jeewanjee had no clue what insurance industry is about, he walked in this job not even know what exactly he will be doing. One of the leads that came his way was a Spanish speaking gentleman, other agents were not interested in him because it didn’t sound like a lucrative deal.

Zain drove over to see this client, he had a business of selling chips which was acquired by PepsiCo-Fritos group and he was paid a hefty sum for it. Zain sold him a life insurance policy with premium of $700,000 and came back to the office. When asked he said yeah I sold him the policy and the client will mail the cheque. No one believed him and it became a joke that this new agent is saying someone is going to mail a cheque for $700,000. In exactly three day, the cheque arrived and everyone’s jaw dropped. Zain got his commission and also made the record for the largest life insurance policy every sold by Penn Mutual. Zain was named the Rookie of the Year and brought to stage to speak at their annual conference. In a sea of older Caucasian men, there was a young Pakistani who had made the first of his firsts in insurance industry.

Innovation, Excellence and Legacy
In 1995, Zain Jeewanjee established the very first online insurance aggregator website in the world to quote and buy online travel insurance. Go One Global (G1G Travel Insurance) became the premier marketing distributor of online travel and international medical insurance products and services. It was the first instance of an insurance agent going online and hosting a suite of travel health insurance products for international customers visiting the U.S. Fueled by the boom of immigrants coming in Silicon Valley and starting businesses, Zain Jeewanjee curated insurance products according to the needs of the local market, through the website the company’s footprint extended to 42 states and he also went into partnerships with large insurance companies to re-sell G1G’s products and models. He built consumer trust through transparency and simplifying the language. The world was getting more and more fast-paced each year and Zain perfected his online policy model which saved people time and hassle.

Currently, Jeewanjee is a Charter Member of TiE Silicon Valley, OPEN Silicon Valley and a Founding member of TiE.org Chapters in Pakistan. He also sits on several boards including “Peace It Together”, “Imran Khan Foundation”, and “LUMS Foundation USA”.
2005 was another first. onedayevent.com was launched to sell online event liability insurance. One Day Events was the first to introduce a hassle-free process to buy event insurance instantly – completely online. By now Zain’s children also started helping out in the business and brought their own innovation in the family of businesses under Jeenwanjee name. Zain kept his family’s tradition of giving and supporting noble causes and moved his focus to philanthropy and advocating the power of giving. He created Doctors4help to provide doctors for those struck by natural disasters over the years. The platform stood upfront during the Indian Ocean crisis, Hurricane Katrina, and 2010 floods in Pakistan. Zain Jeewanjee is also an angel investor and mentor to several large ventures and the startups ecosystem across the globe. He is invited in various conferences and summits to talk about marketing, business strategies, and humanitarianism.
Years in business
Customers served
Generation in business
12 Countries
Business portfolio
Cricket & Soccer
Die Hard Fan